My clients and I (Hi, I’m a designer) share the same concerns when it comes to redecorating their space, the concern is that their home will inevitably go out of style and look dated. This will definitely happen unless you decorate your space with the intention of creating a timeless interior. How do you purposefully decorate so that your interior is timeless, you ask…well, keep reading.
A trendy interior does not equal a timeless interior
Tip number one is to stop following ALL the design trends.
Trends are constantly changing, interior design trends are no different. So there is no way that your “trendy” interior can always remain in style. The thing about trends is that, once everyone is doing the same thing (decorating the same way, dressing the same way, etc). The style loses its new and special appeal over time. Plus, when you start to see the same thing over and over again and your eye gets used to it and bored of it, so to speak.

That’s why the mosaic backsplash you chose in 2002 looked SOO good to you way back then, but now you can’t stand to see the tacky mess. Somehow, your perspective and your own sense of style started to shift as the trend went out. As you can see, trends can date interiors really easily. A dated interior is certainly not a timeless interior.
The good thing is, you can still follow trends to a certain extent and still have a timeless interior. The key is to know what trends to subtly lean into. Introduce the trend in a way that is less committed. Think of trends like your short-term boyfriend who is fun but not ready for marriage.
The way that you introduce trends on a short-term basis is to add trendy items that are easily changeable. Like, let’s take for example the organic modern trend that is IT right now. Instead of going organic-modern-crazy, you can introduce a few pieces, like let’s say a vase, a table centerpiece, or cushions that nod to this trend. There’s not much commitment when it comes to these decor pieces. An example is this vase from Crate&Barrel.

Get in touch with your own personal home decor style
Trends really do influence people’s own home decor style. And in fact, I don’t even think most people know what their own personal home decor style is.
I get a lot of calls, and whenever I am speaking with a potential client I ask them “So what is YOUR style when it comes to interior design” and many answer me like “Oh, I do not know, whatever is trending right now…super modern, you know.”
Before you call any interior design professional or even consider redecorating you need to figure out what your own unique style is.
Read What Is My Home Decor Style?
Once you know your own personal home decor style, that’s a great baseline to start playing around with your style to determine how you can make it timeless. This truly creates a unique and personal style that will keep you happy in your space for a long long time. The whole point of creating a timeless interior is to ensure you won’t feel the need to continuously be re-decorating every 5-10 years. Who has the time and pockets for that?!
How to create a timeless interior that is also true to your style
Okay, so I am going to tell you the story of when I worked with my client to update her dated space to a timeless interior with still maintaining her traditional style.
I had a wonderful client, let’s call her Jane. Jane, totally went crazy decorating her house in the late 90s/early 2000s. She followed all the trends to a T and in the end her house looked like it could have been straight out of a magazine from that time period. At first, obviously, she was in love with her home. Everyone was complimenting her decor, so she felt pretty dang good.
The re-decorating dilemma
But then, 20 years go by and she finds herself in a home that is so dated that it’s now considered vintage. The furniture held up in excellent condition. You know, in those days everything was built to last. She couldn’t bring herself to do a total re-furnish. Of course, her decor and furniture cost her a pretty penny. She was scared that if she spent even MORE money on new furnishings her home would eventually look super dated again. Not a cycle anyone wants to be in. Jane desired a timeless interior but didn’t know if it was possible
Luckily, she called me. I created a plan to create a timeless interior for her using most of what she already had.
Jane knew her personal home decor style was traditional. So, I worked with it. Let’s take a look at her dining room before the transformation.

As you can see, it brings you into a different time period.
I looked at all the individual elements to determine what elements were dating the space. I came to the conclusion that it was mostly the patterns. The patterned drapery, rug, in conjunction with the rich wood tone of her dining set was giving the space a congested and overbearing feel. Plus, there were no cool tones in the space, everything was super warm…there was no balance.
The most important design principle for timeless interiors
Balance. There you have it. To achieve a timeless interior you need B-A-L-A-N-C-E.
If you don’t have good balance try holding your finger on your belly button.
Okay, but back to creating a timeless interior.
I created a plan to introduce a solid cool tone colour. The winner was a soft powder blue. We kept her rich wood dining set and just reupholstered the cushions. We changed the drapery, light fixtures, artwork, and rug, then repainted the room. BOOM a brand new dining room. And if you ask me this space is certainly elegant, classy, up-to-date, and timeless.

It has a good balance of old and new. Vintage and modern. Warm and cool. Organic shapes and geometric shapes. You can’t point the finger at it and proclaim “Omggg, that’s soooooo 90s”.
I mean, yes, the dining set still nods to the 90s, but it doesn’t SCREAM 90s like the spice girls.
How do you know when an interior is timeless?
There is one simple question to ask yourself when trying to determine whether or not an interior is timeless or not and that is…
Can you determine what decade this interior was decorated in?
If it leaves you wondering, that’s a good sign that the interior is truly timeless. Like, this dining room, it makes you question, like hmmmmmm…it could have been the 90s…but no…it’s far too contemporary.
If you can look at an interior, like let’s say a white kitchen with a mosaic backsplash, and “2013!” comes to mind…the interior is NOT timeless.
In conclusion…
What makes a timeless interior
- Not overly trendy
- A unique style
- Balanced elements
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