Considering this is my blog, I thought it might be appropriate to make a post about me. So, if you’re ever interested or bored, you can read this post.
Let’s get right into it.
1. I start every day off with dark chocolate
I heard once that everyone has an addiction. If that statement is true, my addiction is definitely chocolate. I used to prefer milk chocolate, but I have cut cow’s milk dairy out of my diet. So I have switched to dark, vegan chocolate and my taste buds have adjusted. I have grown so fond of dark chocolate that I have to have some every single day. I have a huge sweet tooth and the thought of sugar gets me out of bed every morning. Lol, I wake up at 6:30 am daily, so SOMETHING has to motivate me. And did you know pure dark chocolate is a great source of fibre, iron and potassium?!
2. I listen to clearing meditations every morning
I am a very spiritual person, so naturally, I believe in clearing meditations for the mind, body and soul. Every morning while I drink my tea I listen to a clearing meditation to start my day off right. In order to move forward, you have to let go of the past and clear your subconscious mind of any limiting beliefs. This is a practice that needs to be done daily, as a lot of us spent our lives not being aware of what our subconscious mind has been absorbing, so now to counteract that, we need to rework our brains and unlearn. Unlearning is just as important as learning.
3. I am very well travelled
I am very blessed and privileged to say that I have been to over 30 countries. This summer, I’m off to Austria, Croatia, Bosnia and Hercegovina, Montenegro, Albania and Greece!
I’ve always been a huge adventurer. I believe that I should enjoy life and see the beautiful world we live in while I am here. Travelling has given me a rounded preceptive of the world. I can say that I have truly experienced many different cultures, which has been fascinating and eye-opening. I believe that I am on this earth to experience, so it’s up to me to create experiences that are memorable.
4. I’m a bit of a health freak
I am certainly somewhat of a health freak or health nut as some would say. I eat according to the blood type 0-negative diet which means I avoid gluten and a bunch of other tasty stuff. It kind of sucks, but I have been eating this way for a couple of years now so I have adjusted. But, honestly, since switching to strictly eating healthy food I can say it’s changed my life. I have a ton of energy every day without even drinking coffee. People who know me would describe me as energetic and active. I make at least 10,000 steps every day, that’s a non-negotiable for me. I also work out consistently. I live a pretty healthy lifestyle, except for my sugar addiction and all. But yeah, health is my number one most important value in life. I’ve learned that without health, you don’t have much at all.
5. Music is my favourite art-form
I love music. Music of all sorts. I listen to RnB, hip-hop, jazz, Balkan folk, soul, rap, reggae, reggae-ton, dancehall, soca…the list goes on.
As I age, my music taste shifts. Nowadays, I’m super into jazz from the 70s, 80s and 90s. There is something so rich and moving about music from this time. I like to feel emotion when listening to music. I think music is storytelling, its art, its passion and it has always been something very substantial to me.
6. I’m an artist
I’ve always been a creative spirit. I have made art my whole life. But I really started to improve my artistic abilities when I started to paint regularly. I got kind of good. I’ve sold plenty of pieces. That’s pretty cool and something I am super proud of. However, I’ve taken a bit of an art hiatus. Sometimes other things in life take priority. But, I plan to create some more artwork soon.
7. I love cooking and baking
I have always loved cooking and baking. Maybe because I love food so much and it kind of goes hand in hand. But, besides art and interior design, I love to express my creativity through food. I have even developed some recipes for my blog. There is just something so satisfying about putting ingredients together and making a meal from scratch. I get into a little groove and add my own little twist to each recipe, I’d like to think everything I make is a little unique.
And that’s all, I wanted to do a 10 Things You Didn’t Know About Me post, but honestly, I could only think of 7 things. I’ll save the other 3 things for another post.