In this crazy world, sometimes it’s hard to be grateful. But, there are actually many things that I am grateful for. I believe gratitude is the most powerful emotion. To me, gratitude means wanting what you already have and not yearning for what you don’t have. Gratitude means looking at things positively and being happy about them. I thought I would share what I am most grateful for to reinforce my own gratitude because you should be grateful all year round and not just on Thanksgiving!
1. My awesome clients
Ok, this is my interior design blog so I have to give gratitude to my awesome clientele. Over the years I’ve met some amazing people that came to be my clients. These are people who I will never forget. Through working together with these clients I realized that interior design is much more meaningful than even I believed. These awesome clients let me explore my own creativity and trusted me in a big way (with their money and home)…they really took a chance on me and I can humbly say it was a worthwhile experience for all.

Even when I was just starting out, they took a chance on me. Heck, when I first came into the interior design industry I was posting ads on Kijiji…not to say anything is wrong with that but I don’t think most people go on there with the highest expectations. Welp, I can say I made it off Kijiji now, and sure, I am no Hollywood designer or anything but I am proud of how far I’ve come and I can surely attribute that to my awesome clients.
2. Interior design professionals
I have really learned a lot from other interior designers. Considering the interior design industry can be pretty sink or swim…it’s amazing when I come across designers and interior design professionals alike who have the mindset that; there’s enough business for everyone. I am truly grateful for those interior designers and entrepreneurs who have been willing to share trade secrets and any nuggets of wisdom with me. It just goes to show that it really doesn’t hurt you to help someone else out. I am a firm believer in you get what you give.
3. The internet
The internet is something I feel like everyone takes for granted now. And because of that, I don’t think people really appreciate the tool that it is. Since the internet, a world of possibilities has opened up. It’s truly amazing to think that you can find practically everything and anything online. This has certainly helped me with my interior design business. I can source all types of home goods and furniture online. One time I sourced a headboard for my client from all the way in Bali. How amazing is that?
The internet makes our lives so much easier and allows people to conduct business in a new way. Like, even the interior design industry has changed since the internet. The internet made eDesign possible. So now you can receive interior design services virtually, which makes it possible for anyone anywhere in the world to connect with their favourite interior designer (cough, cough, me). The fact that we can connect with and do business with anyone with internet access is so cool. There has never been a time in history when connections could be made this way. So, I am certainly grateful for the internet!

4. Content creators
I am grateful for content creators of all types, just off of the sheer fact that they keep me entertained, give me ideas and share information that is useful. I think social media and content creators get a bad rep. I can see that side of things. There are always positives and negatives to everything. But, I choose to engage and watch content creators who inspire me and at the bare minimum, make me laugh. I especially love the furniture flipper content creators, I love furniture (obviously).
5. My circle
I couldn’t make a list of things that I am grateful for without mentioning my friends and family who make up the small circle of people around me. I am ever so grateful for these genuine and loving folks. They keep me grounded and are always rooting me on. You can have the money, the success and whatever else you want (I want a Dior saddle bag), but if you have no one to share it with, you don’t have much at all.
6. The city of Toronto

I grew up in Mississauga, which is not too far outside of Toronto, so I have always been familiar with the city of Toronto. But it wasn’t until I moved to downtown Toronto in the summer of 2022 did I find a true appreciation for the city. Now, listen, a lot of people complain about Toronto and I am not going to get into why. I get it, trust me, I GET IT.
But, I am someone who believes that whatever you speak about will multiply. So, instead of complaining about the not-so-great things about the city, I rather give gratitude for what the city does for me. The city is always inspiring me artistically. You see, there are so many amazing people in this city doing so many big things. A lot of people living here are dream chasers, art creators, entrepreneurs…etc. It’s incredible to see people accomplishing big things here because there is certainly an opportunity here to do so. Every day as I walk around the city I see something or someone that catches my eye that ignites some curiosity.
7. The everyday hustle
I am truly grateful to be working my ass off…yeup, I am. Because this means that I have the opportunity, skills and gifts to do so. Plus, working hard makes reward and rest so much sweeter. I am grateful that I have so many things to fill my life with and things get SO BUSY that it’s honestly impressive that I get it all done.
The hustle I chose and continue to choose…
Starting an interior design business while so young was a journey I was very naive to. Now, with over 6 years of experience, I can say that I am starting to really see the fruits of my labour. And DAMN It has not been easy or pretty all the time. It has been a humbling and transformative journey that continues. With all that said, I am truly grateful for all the experience I’ve had running my interior design business and hope to experience more. So, although many dream of a leisurely life, I am grateful and embrace the everyday hustle.
What to learn more and connect with me one-on-one? Book one of my eDesign Services.