I would call myself an old soul first and foremost, some would say that I am also wise. I felt inspired to write this post, so, I thought, why not. Here is a list of 100 nuggets of wisdom and advice, with no explanation. Take it as you may and feel free to put your own meaning to the statements or totally disagree with me.
100 life lessons/advice/random thoughts
- Rejection is redirection
- Love =/= companionship
- Free-range eggs are worth the extra money
- You get what you give
- The way you show up in one area of life is the way you show up in all areas of life
- You cannot take someone for their word if their actions do not align
- Your dark thoughts are not authentically you
- You cannot make someone change
- Not all your thoughts are to be believed
- You get what you pay for, always
- If you focus on lack, lack is what you will receive
- Good design is essential to mental health
- What you put in your body, matters, a lot
- Change is a good thing, allow yourself to grow and evolve
- Some people never change
- Sometimes people are only meant to stay in your life for a certain period of time, it is okay to let go and it doesn’t always mean bad blood
- It takes a while to get to know yourself truly
- You can only receive a true friend by being a true friend
- People, things and situations in life are a mirror
- Give to give and not to receive, it is more fulfilling that way
- Cutting out gluten and dairy from your diet is a healthy move (especially if you have a chronic illness)
- Read all the labels on your food, know what you are putting into your body
- Walking is essential, take a long walk every day to connect with nature and stay active
- Rejection is bound to happen, learn to shrug it off
- What is for you, will be for you, there is no need to force
- Not everything should be taken personally, people are constantly projecting
- Stop trying to predict the outcomes in life, find comfort in the unknown
- Life can change for better or for worse in the blink of an eye, appreciate life when it is mundane
- Gratitude is the most important feeling
- Alone time is needed and wonderful
- Nothing is new under the sun
- The grass is greenest where you water it
- Feeling bad does not get you anywhere, choose to feel good despite life’s circumstances
- Like energy attracts like energy
- Keep a clean and organized home, develop the habits to get you there
- Being organized is super super important, and will help you go far
- Recognize red flags and don’t stick around
- Not all money is good money
- Confidence will open many doors for you
- Self-love is the most essential kind of love
- It doesn’t matter how much you love someone if your needs aren’t being met
- It is okay to have needs, wants and desires don’t feel ashamed
- Only you can determine your worth
- You don’t have to live up to anyone’s expectations
- Is it okay to not be the best
- You cannot control 99% of life, deal with it and roll with the punches
- Death is the only permanent thing
- What you expect, is what you will experience
- Mental health should be everyone’s top priority
- It’s okay to do nothing sometimes
- Life can be overwhelming even when not much is going on
- Emotions are feedback
- Falling in love is a phenomenon
- Stop focusing on who you want others to be, and focus on who YOU want to be, end of story
- Finding yourself is not as easy as one may think
- Gaining an extra 5 pounds is not a big deal
- We are spiritual beings experiencing a human body
- No one knows what is going on
- You need more than therapy to heal
- People have different values and beliefs, and that doesn’t diminish or discredit your own
- It’s okay to fail, just get back up
- Trauma can be suppressed when you don’t want to accept it
- Everyone has a story, release judgements (this is a hard one)
- Just because someone says something, doesn’t make it true
- The short road turns into the long road
- There is no such thing as “get rich quick” plans
- Things take longer than you might think to come to fruition, and that’s okay
- Just because you cant see it, doesn’t mean its not real
- You can’t help someone who doesn’t want to be helped
- What you judge in others, is what you judge in yourself
- Sometimes people want to define you with your past because they are intimidated by who you are today
- Many people don’t have a single real friend
- Many people lie to themselves every day
- Sometimes the truth is so ugly, but accepting it is the only way to break free
- It’s okay to work a 9-5, not everyone is built to be an entrepreneur (and that’s totally fine)
- Social media is 95% fake
- Accept people for who they are, adjust your boundaries if needed
- People love simulation, even if that means negative simulation
- Melancholy is not real, there is an underlying issue of sadness
- Choose to be positive, it’s a practice
- Some people just love being ball-busters
- You really do catch more flies with honey, but, sometimes you gotta be a b*tch
- There’s really no point in taking life too seriously, take what needs to be taken seriously seriously, but the rest, don’t stress
- You’re not better than anyone and no one is better than you
- Living a healthy lifestyle is not that hard
- We make time for what we want
- Quality > quantity
- Money is just a tool, it’s not good or bad
- Material things only bring temporary satisfaction, but, that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t seek out temporary satisfaction at times
- A lot of things we believe, we’ve never questioned, therefore how do we know these beliefs to be our own?
- You can either make excuses or solutions
- We are capable of more than we think
- We shouldn’t expect our parents to be perfect, most of them just winged it
- People will always disappoint you, God will not
- You will never be everyone’s cup of tea
- Some people hold onto victimhood as a security blanket
- Some people love the feeling of being oppressed
- There’s no point in holding grudges, heal and learn to be indifferent
- You hold much power in how you feel, therefore, you hold the power in your reality
- Interior Design & cleanliness in your home matters, and here’s why, Read Declutter Your Mind By Decluttering Your Home
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